Sunday, October 24, 2010

Autumn Isabelle

Isabelle and I went shopping yesterday, and she got herself a new winter jacket and some boots. Here are some photos of the beautiful girl showing off her new clothes:

Friday, October 22, 2010

Cabin trip to Blefjell

Last weekend we went to Blefjell near Kongsberg for a cabin trip with my mother, brother and his girlfriend. It was great getting out of the city and breathe the fresh air of the mountains for a weekend. The weather was great, it was sunny and about 10 degrees - perfect conditions for outside activities.

We arrived Friday evening and enjoyed a taco and red wine meal in front of the fireplace in the cosy cabin. Saturday morning we took our time getting ready after a nice breakfast, and headed out in to the sun for a hike around the nearby lake. Some of Pernille's family (her sister with son and mother in-law) joined us for the hike as they were staying at a cabin nearby. The area was absolutely beautiful, and Isabelle was such a good little hiker - did not complain a single time! At the end of the day we grilled sausages over open fire (which took us about half an hour to get going) before heading back to the cabin for a shower, games, wine and eventually a beautiful steak.

Some photos from the Saturday hike:

Back at the cabin, Oliver (3 months old and Pernille's nephew), got a fair bit of attention:

Sunday morning we managed to get a quick hike in before heading back home. This time we started climbing the mountains behind the cabin a bit, which eventually gave us a great view of the nearby area:

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Not much new...

Not so much going on right now after the excitement of the job. I'm in a Norwegian course right now full-time so that's keeping me fairly busy for once.

Just thought I'd up load a few brief photos to tide you all over (and to try and keep in the habit of updating this stuff...)

First two scanned drawings Isabelle did. She named them herself; not too sure what her thought process was....

Birthday Celebration

Your Majesty, Your Highness

Isabelle watching a football game

Isabelle doing some drawing in the park

And proudly taking after her Uncle and Aunty; showing off the ink

Monday, September 13, 2010


As most of you have probably heard already: James got an offer from PwC today! We are so happy, relieved and excited - and I must add very, very proud...

We went out to this lovely tapas place near Lillestrøm Station with Tommy and Pernille (her father Tom Espen was in town so he came along as well) to celebrate, which was really nice. My brother recently got a promotion at work (he works part time for a debt collection company) - so it was a double celebration.

We forgot to bring the camera along, but here are some mobile uploads:

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Our Sunday hike

Thanks for the Skype-call on Tuesday guys - Isabelle really loved seeing and speaking to you all. She's not one to miss a chance to show off, that is for sure!

I just thought I'd upload some photos from the forest hike we did last Sunday. We started out at Tærruddalen, which is about 5 minutes in the car from our house. Isabelle walked for the first 1km or so - which took us about 30 minutes since she was exploring the forest and running around like crazy.

Then for the next hour she was sitting comfortably in our hiking backpack, while mum and (mostly) dad had to struggle with an extra 16 kilos through the forest. We made our destination, a little cabin about 5-6 km into the forest in good time, where the local ski club was selling waffles to tired hikers.

We had our waffles, hot chocolate and a couple of biscuits too, before turning around and starting on the hike back. Isabelle was really good again, and probably walked for another 1 km before it was back up into the backpack. It seemed a lot quicker to walk back, and the hike was done in no time. We stopped at our normal "camp site" on our way back, where we grilled pølse (sausages) and pinnebrød (damper with spices on a stick!). Lovely!